Emunah Appleman College of Arts and Technology

Years of Educating
Staff Members
Today, it has grown into a unique academic institution, boasting over 500 students. The College is the only place in the world where an observant young woman can earn a degree in the teaching of fine arts, graphic design or, theater studies, while remaining faithful to her religious convictions. The 4 year B.Ed program of career-oriented studies, enables these young women to become economically independent and productive citizens, experts in their field and highly qualified teachers. They are renowned for their professionalism and are indeed sought after by schools, private companies and public institutions throughout Israel.
In today’s difficult economic climate, more students are finding it impossible to pay full tuition. Emunah is committed to getting them the financial assistance and scholarships they need in order to succeed. No talented student should be turned away because she lacks the funds for an education.
In addition, within the Appleman College, Emunah operates the Charlotte Dachs Mechina Program, an academic preparatory program, giving new hope to students who could not finish high school due to severe financial and/or personal challenges. This unique program, helps them to prepare for higher education. Every young woman in Israel, regardless of their socio-economic background deserves the opportunity to succeed educationally. Emunah meets this need. 

“The Hebrew word Emunah means faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, not walking away even when the going gets tough, trusting the other and honouring the other’s trust in us. That is what Emunah provides, each and every day, for thousands of disadvantaged children and families across Israel through its network of residential homes, high schools, day care centers and therapy and counselling centres. In doing so Emunah is helping to create bonds of community where none previously existed. It is being there for Israel’s most vulnerable at times when they need it most.”

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z’l
EMunah in Israel provides life changing services



Eli, 23, graduate of an Emunah residential home. "When I was 12, my family situation was very bad and social workers suggested I attend the day program at an Emunah children’s home. My days were filled with activities. Emunah encouraged me to be the best I could be, and I worked hard to prove myself. The music teacher believed in me and helped me to see that I have talent and can use music to heal my pain. To study music is my dream and I know, thanks to Emunah, that I can make it come true."
Eli's story
Sivan, student at an Emunah High School. "Emunah doesn’t only provide education. They also provide warmth, strength, and hope. The teachers are really kind. They don’t judge anyone. They accept you as you are. They support you whatever you want to do. Later this year I will start to study computer engineering in college. I succeed because I have a purpose. Building a family. Getting a good job. Being happy."
Sivan's story
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