
Israel Under Attack- Emunah’s vulnerable homes

Israel is currently being attacked by a barrage of rockets from Gaza. Sirens sound in Jerusalem, a rocket fell in a playground close to Sderot and hundreds of thousands of Israelis are spending the evening ready to get to safe rooms. This is not ok.

Tonight, children in three Emunah children’s homes have had to rush to the shelters as rockets were fired into central Israel. All was done calmly and without panic. The children from Emunah Achuzat Sara are in their shelter in Bnei Brak. At Emunah Bet Saba Elazraki in Netanya, Director Yehuda Kohn had 200 children and staff in their shelter in less than a minute and a half!
We hope everyone gets some sleep tonight – stay safe!

Now, more than ever Emunah’s children and all of Israel needs your support.